What We Do

Since 1996, we have helped thousands of people find employment, always focusing on the right fit. We aim to help you find the right opportunity fast, so you can get back to doing the things that you like.

The “right fit” is a combination of the work culture, your career aspirations and the technology that you want to be working with. That’s why we make sure we learn about you before providing you with options.

Recruiters You Can Count On

We want you to have a stress-free job search, where you can save time and know you will end up in the right place. Trusting Connect Tec + Talent means becoming part of a genuinely good team with professionals who serve as mentors. Our team consists of amazing recruiters dedicated to your success. Our friendly recruiters will work on building a strong relationship with you.

See What People Are Saying About Us

We have had excellent experience with the quality of people provided by Connect Tec + Talent. A vast number of them have been converted to full time employees. They have a very strong recruiting process and understand the technical nuances needed in the candidates for each project. I would rate the quality to be exemplary.
– Henry F., Director Software Solutions

I know I can trust Connect Tec + Talent to complete any project on time with excellent quality.
– Matt S., IT Manager

When it comes to a true partnership and willingness to understand the business, culture and products; Connect Tec + Talent exceeds our expectations. They provide cost effective, top talent to meet your business needs. They listen and understand the opportunity and can adapt and develop a team that will get your product to market faster and with precision.
– Philip E., VP Engineering


Meet Our Management Team

You can count on us to be upfront, supportive, and committed to your success. It is a philosophy embraced by everyone at Connect Tec + Talent, starting with the executive team — “Provide an opportunity to build a lifelong relationship with everyone we meet.”

  • Kannan Kaliyur

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Rosimildo da Silva

    Chief Technology Officer

  • Vikram Bhavsar

    VP of Engineering


Send us Your Resume

No luck with your job search results? We can keep you posted on future job opportunities that match your aspirations and expertise. Simply fill out the following form to join our community of talent.

Your Information

Upload Your Resume *

Please note only files with .pdf, .docx or .doc file extensions are accepted.

Max file weight: 512KB.


Please attach your resume, ensure it is in the correct format and smaller than 512KB.


We Are Here to Help

Want guidance on creating the perfect resume? Want to discuss how to create the best job posts or an upcoming project?

Get in touch for a free consultation.

11824 Jollyville Road, Suite 302
Austin, TX 78759
Tel: (512) 338-1111
Connect Tec + Talent
PO Box 203398
Austin, Texas 78720-3398

Our office is located at the Cornerstone Office complex just south of the post office on Jollyville Road.

When you enter the parking lot, turn left and proceed towards building 3. We are on the second floor in suite 302.